Receive Ye The Holy Spirit.
Why do so many still fight the same sin over and over, even when they are a Christian. It is because they have not yet been filled with...
It Was Done In Love, For Us
It is written, "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us" (1 John 3:16). How appropriate, and by the...
Come To The Throne of Grace.
Every promise and every word spoken by Jesus Christ was true. If you confess Him as Lord, He promised to always be with you. He is our...
Christ Knows All About Suffering
All throughout history, and in resent weeks, even days, there have been heart wrenching tragedies. Many ask, "Where is God? Why does He...
Tear Stained Pillows
There are many, many languages and many different practices across this world, but like laughter, the shedding of tears is universal....
In The Hands of The Father
In your tears, with your broken heart, with all the pain that is coursing through your mind, please, please, remember this, you are in...
Be Ye Transformed by Christ
I no longer want to just hear God's voice, I want to listen. I no longer want to force God to go where I go, I want to follow Him where...
Warriors of Jesus Christ Unite
A true warrior hits the battlefield ready for anything the enemy has to throw at them; the battlefield of the warrior of Jesus Christ is...
Let The Fire of God Fall
Let us focus on fire; God spoke to Moses through a fire; with fire God burned up the sacrifice Elijah placed on the alter, so consuming...
Vengeance Belongs to Christ
The hate, ridicule, and slander has escalated towards Christians all over the world, but Western Christianity has become soft. Why should...