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Faith Like a Child

The innocence of child is a beautiful thing. A heart warming smile, a precious touch, and a pure laughter that is contagious. A small child experiences things in a manner that is not seared or distorted; they find excitement in a touch, a smell, a taste, and in seeing things that captivate them. Christ teaches that we should be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven, and we should humble ourselves as a little child(Matthew 18:3-4). Jesus does not mean to behave like a child, but to have faith like a child. To look to God and trust Him, believe Him, know that He is our heavenly Father, and we are His children. What parent doesn't feel joy when their child smiles at them to show they are happy to be their child. What parent can not help but smile when a child laughs with joy as they run to the one they trust. How much more joy does it bring to the Fathers heart to see his children smile and laugh; and how much more does it break His heart when His children disobey or are hurting. Let us be humble like little children, getting back to that excitement to look to God and say, "Abba, Father. Oh, how I love you". To smile when we think of Him, our Holy and Righteous God; our everlasting Father. The grace of Jesus Christ be with you all.

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