Persecuted For Christ
There was a song that Jews who believe in Christ sung, and still sing today. "I believe, with perfect faith, that Messiah(Jesus) will come.And even if He may tarry, I will wait for Him, whenever He comes". The year was 1942, and it was the song sung by prisoners in the death camps while walking into the gas chambers. It is written, "be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life"(Revelation 2:10). We haven't seen much persecution for our faith here, but throughout the world Christians face tremendous persecution and death. Yet, they keep the faith and do NOT deny Christ. With a gun to their head or pointing at their child, they say, "How can I deny my Christ after all He's done for me". Their children are snatched from their arms, their homes are burnt to the ground, and many are tortured. What can we do? We can pray. We can say that if it happens here we will be brave, but we truly don't know. Last year, over 90,000 Christians were killed for their faith in Jesus Christ, and around 600 million were persecuted. I pray we do remain brave when the fire of persecution strikes close. Because remember, our God is a consuming fire and nothing can snatch us from His hand or separate us from His love. Pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.