Freedom in The Lord Jesus Christ
Freedom can mean different things to different people. Freedom to choose what they do, who they see and where they go; however, the freedom I am referring to is freedom from mental and spiritual torment. What is it your facing now that you wish you were free from; is it addiction, mental torture, a broken heart, suicide, all of the above, or much more? I have wrestled with these demons and nearly lost; I fought and fought, but gave in time after time. I asked many times, "What's wrong with me; why can't I fight this; why can't I just die?", they were always the wrong questions. Allow me to share this: My first of 4 suicide attempts, I took 150 sleeping pills, laid down, but God WOKE me up; the last attempt, I slashed my arm and tried to slash the jugular in my neck, I was going no where until God said so; after that, the battle only intensified and I spiraled further down. But then, Jesus Christ reveled Himself to me, the darkness oozed out of me like thick syrup, the demons lashed, clawed and screamed as they were driven out by the presence of Christ; I was finally free, freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ. I share this sensitive and personal information for someone who may be going through the same, if not worse things, and assure you that if Christ was able to give freedom to someone like me, then He is able to give freedom to you. It is Christ who sets the captives free and causes demons to flee. Is it freedom you seek? Then seek the one who can give you freedom, the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace and peace be with you all.